
Replacement Softub firmware manual

This replacement firmware for the Softub works like the Softub provided one, with a few enhancements. Note that this product is not affiliated with Softub. Softub and HydroMate are registered trademarks of Softub, Inc.

This firmware can be used with all digital boards.

Modes Available

There are two modes. The default is a mode similar to the stock 2013 version of the Softub, where it shows “P” when the pool is off, or just started, and just adds a few usability changes as I’ve documented.

The is an Enhanced mode that should be more intuitive. It does away with the the need to worry about “P” and “SP1”, and better shows the actual tub temperature.

Default Program

The following are the differences and enhancements of this firmware over the stock firmware provided by Softub.

If the temperature is set, it will keep the set temp even if power is lost. The stock Softub firmware would revert to 100F (38C).

When power is first provided, the tub will show its set point for 5 seconds, and then show the standard “P” (or the tub temperature if so configured), and provides a simple way to see that this superior firmware is installed.

To quickly move the set temperature up or down hold down the button for 2 seconds, and it will start repeating. Lift up when the desired set temperature is reached.

If a tub is running and the jets button is pressed, the tub will stop for 20 minutes, even if it is heating (The stock program only will stop if it isn’t heating. After the 20 minutes, it will start again if it is cool enough to call for heat. However, if the ozone generator is running, the jets button will first stop the ozone, so if that is the case, and you want to stop the jets, press the jets button a second time.

The special programs (SP1, Economy and Overnight nodes), can be chosen by holding down the buttons for 4 seconds instead of 10 seconds the stock one requires. Also, you can enter SP1 without first setting the temperature to 104.
The Economy and Overnight modes work fine even if the tub isn’t up to temperature when they are set. When the Economy is exited (by holding down the down and light buttons), The “24” will blink twice to indicate it is turned off. Likewise holding down the down, light, and jets button will turn off the overnight mode, blinking “12” twice. This mode will be retained on a power loss, but may run at odd times when the power is restored. If that happens, reselect the special mode.

Holding down the light button for 2 seconds will start the jets. (Useful if your jets button is broken).

The Enhanced program

To enter the Enhanced mode, hold the up and down buttons together for 4 seconds. The display will flash “P”, indicating that the P display is disabled.

In this mode, the temperature is displayed in a more natural way. Instead of showing a P when the tub is off, it shows an estimate of the actual tub temperature. Also, when the tub is running, it will show better estimate of the temperature. The stock firmware essentially just showed the temperature probe temperature of the Hydromate instead of trying to calculate the tub temp.

Also, if it sees the temperature is starting to drop, it will call for heat so the tub keeps running. The tub would have to get quite cool before calling for heat with the stock firmware.

In this mode, if you press the temp up button the heat mode will turn on unless it is already up to temp. Also, if the down arrow is pressed, then the pump will turn off heat mode unless it is not up to temp yet.

Also, when adjusting the temperature, the Heat LED will flash, indicating it is showing the selected temperature instead of the actual temperature.

Finally, instead of having to use the special mode to set the temperature to 105 or 106, you can set it directly.

To return to the standard mode, repeat the operation by holding down the up and down buttons again, until “P” is displayed.


Wi-Fi control of your Softub can be added with a simple add-on board that integrates with either a Shelly Uni or Sonoff Elite. The Wi-Fi integration works along side the control panel, and keeps all the safety and functionality of the control panel. See the separate Wi-Fi directions for details.


IPS will reset automatically if the voltage corrects itself (similar to the stock board). P01 can be reset by pressing any button.