
Installation Instructions

This updated microprocessor is meant to be installed on a Softub controller board. It is compatible with the C-2001, C-2003, C-2006, C-2013, C-2023 board revisions, both the European and American variants. Its compatible with the current control panels, as well as the original control panel released with the 2001 units.

The microcontroller is a PIC18F24Q10-E/SO. The version and batch information are in the first 6 bytes of the User ID memory on the chip.

The EEPROM memory is used to store the settings documented in the service menu.
PP0 is the first byte of EEPROM memory. If that first byte is “FF” then it will restore the settings to factory defaults the next time it is started.

The old style control panel (with the brown connector and + and - buttons instead of arrows) has a limitation in that it can’t show decimal points and can’t show “P”. Instead of a P it shows and upside-down P with a segment missing. However, besides those limitations it works fine.

The first time the board is powered up after installation the chip configures itself.

If JP2 is jumpered, the board will use Celsius. Otherwise, it will use Fahrenheit.

If JP4 is jumpered, the 36v voltage check for IPS will be disabled. This is useful for C-2001 boards since they don’t support this. (If this is left enabled on a C-2001 board it will cause an IPS on startup). Also, this can be used if the board has been modified by replacing the AC to DC power circuit with a replacement 5V power converter.

If JP6 is jumpered on startup, the board will go into test mode. Pressing the Light button will turn on light (J5), the Jets button will turn on ozone (K4). The Up will turn on Pump (K2), and the Down will turn on Enable (K1). In this mode, the display will show the current jumpers: If RE3 is pressed, then the heat LED will show JP2 is 2, JP3 is 4, JP4 is 8, JP6 is 16. The JPs are added up and displayed. If no jumpers are displayed then the current raw temp is displayed, which should be around 500 if 100F (1.0v) is displayed.

After starting the first time, the JP2 and JP4 jumpers are ignored, and instead uses the configuration stored in EEPROM.

If JP3 is jumpered and powered, it will reset the chip back to defaults (and again will check the JP2 and JP4 jumpers). To do this, power the board with JP3 jumpered (you can also connect pins 2 and 8 on J9), and power the board. Power off the board, remove the jumper, make and restart it. If the JP3 jumper is left on, it won’t save any settings to EEPROM.

Some C-2013 boards do not have ground on Pin J9-8. For those, it is recommended to jumper JP2 to provide ground for the Wi-Fi adapter board. This needs to be done if there is not continuity between J9-8 and J2-3. Since that jumper is used to indicate a Celsius board, if Fahrenheit is desired, power up the board before adding the jumper or else the board will default to Celsius.

After replacing the microcontroller, the conformal coating should be touched up. Depending on the board, it will be either an acryllic or silicone coating. Use the same type of coating as is currently on the board.

Testing the Board

If JP6 is jumpered on startup, the board will be set to a special test mode to test all of the inputs and outputs to make sure everything is connected correctly.

In this mode, holding down the buttons on the controller will do the following: Light: Enables Lights
Jets: Enables Ozone
Up: Enables hi-limit relay (K1)
Down: Enables Pump and 2nd speed relays (K2 & K3)
Any button and J9, pin8 to ground: Will cause the display to reset.

The jumpers can be tested and will show values on an attached control panel. If you see a 0 then there is a bad connection If you see other number, then look for a solder bridge.
JP2: 1
JP3: 2
JP4: 4
JP5: 8
JP6: 16
J9, pin 8 to ground: 32